Driving Theory Practice Test (10 Questions)

1 / 10

You're following a long vehicle approaching a crossroads. What should you do if the driver signals right but moves close to the left-hand kerb?

2 / 10

What's the purpose of a catalytic converter?

3 / 10

How would age affect an older person's driving ability?

4 / 10

Why should you never wave people across at pedestrian crossings?

5 / 10

You're waiting to come out of a side road. Why should you look carefully for motorcycles?

6 / 10

What requires extra care when you're driving or riding in windy conditions?

7 / 10

What should you do if you think the driver of the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator?

8 / 10

What does a red traffic light mean?

9 / 10

What colour are the reflective studs along the left-hand edge of the motorway?

10 / 10

What's the purpose of road humps, chicanes and narrowings?

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